Pomodoro technique for studying

Pomodoro technique for studying
1112 6 Months Ago 2 Minutes


How to use the Pomodoro technique

What are the benefits of the Pomodoro technique?

Disadvantages of the Pomodoro technique

Is the Pomodoro technique right for you?

Increasing the effectiveness of the Pomodoro technique




The Pomodoro technique is a tool for time management that can be easily integrated into many lifestyle apps. This method, which was first proposed by Francesco Cirillo in the late eighties, is still widely used today.

The Pomodoro technique was first implemented with a tomato-shaped timer. Pomodoro is also named after its resemblance to a tomato. Francesco Cirillo uses this technique to pursue and advance academic goals in the university.

If you want to learn time management skills and develop personal discipline, the Pomodoro technique can help you a lot. In this article, I explain the Pomodoro method and how to use it.


How to use the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is simple; You take breaks during your work. After every 25 minutes of work, you rest for 5 minutes and every 100 minutes you rest for a longer period. This principle states that if you rest and give your mind time to recover its energy, the Pomodoro method will be more effective.

In theory, the Pomodoro technique helps people energize themselves for improvement by breaking down tasks into more manageable chunks.


What are the benefits of the Pomodoro technique?

  • Plans works and tasks based on time and make expectations realistic.
  • Increases your concentration
  • It shows you the value of time
  • Reduces your procrastination
  • It helps your mental and physical health
  • It increases your productivity
  • It increases your self-confidence and motivation.


Disadvantages of the Pomodoro technique

Every technique has advantages and disadvantages, and the Pomodoro technique is no exception. Here are some disadvantages of this method:

  1. Prevent creativity
  2. Non-extrinsic factors
  3. No guarantee


Is the Pomodoro technique right for you?

If you are in one of the following categories, Pomodoro technique is suitable for you:

  • The smallest thing will distract you.
  • You always fall behind on your work delivery schedules.
  • You have a lot of work that you don't know how much time you need to do (studying for an exam, writing a scientific paper, etc.).
  • When planning optimistically, you imagine that you will get everything done in one day.
  • You enjoy setting goals.
  • You are unmotivated and see no reason to do things.
  • You always feel tired.
  • You have a lot to do in your daily schedule.
  • You have busy projects.


Increasing the effectiveness of the Pomodoro technique


Before the start of the work day (or at the end of the day), spend 15 minutes planning your pomodoros. Make a daily to-do list and note in front of each task how many Pomodoros you need to complete. If something requires more than 5 Pomodoros, you should break them into smaller parts and combine them with simple activities.

Take a variety of breaks

If you have dedicated 25 minutes of Pomodoro to work with your laptop, don't go to social networks to rest and let your mind and eyes rest a little. To effectively rest, get up and take a short walk, stretch your body, and do a short meditation.

Use the planning application

It doesn't matter how motivated you are at the beginning of the day. However, staying on the Pomodoro path is not easy. To maintain your focus, you can use special Scheduling applications. The best of these applications is an application that allows you to set the division of tasks and the type and time according to your conditions.

We suggest you to use the Reda All in one application because this application has collected all tools for time management in one place and there will be no need to install other applications for time management.



In this article, we discussed the Pomodoro technique, how to use it, and its benefits, including its effectiveness in managing to do lists. If you have experience using this method for time management, share your comments and suggestions with us.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pomodoro Technique?
The Pomodoro Technique was first introduced by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This planning method has been so practical and effective that it has been widely used for time management to this day.


Who is the Pomodoro Technique suitable for?
This technique is suitable for students who are not used to long study hours and usually get tired after studying for a while. For example, students or volunteers who have just started studying may fail every time their plans; because they cannot study for an hour or two in a row.

Writer : maryam.farzi
Category : Time Management
Comments (2)
This is really effective technique.
This article about the Pomodoro technique was really brief and useful, thank you Reda team