15 of the best and newest free lifestyle apps to improve in 2024

15 of the best and newest free lifestyle apps to improve  in 2024
1613 8 Months Ago 15 Minutes

What you will read in this article:


  1.            ♦The importance of Mental Health in the Digital Age
  2.            ♦How Lifestyle Apps Are Changing Our Daily Routines
  3.            ♦The Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle and How Apps Can Help
  4.            ♦Best apps for lifestyle
  5.            ♦REDA APP
  6.            ♦Trello
  7.            ♦Todoist
  8.            ♦Calendar
  9.            ♦Any Do
  10.            ♦Forest
  11.            ♦School Planner
  12.            ♦Pomodoro
  13.            ♦Fabulous Daily Routine Planner 
  14.            ♦TickTick
  15.            ♦Google Tasks
  16.            ♦Me+ Daily Routine Planner
  17.            ♦Memorigi
  18.            ♦Monday
  19.            ♦Microsoft To-Do
  20.            ♦Choosing the Right Lifestyle App for You
  21.            ♦The Future of Lifestyle Apps
  22.            ♦Conclusion


In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle extends far beyond mere nutrition and exercise. Mental health, often overlooked, plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it's essential to recognize that a healthy mind forms the foundation of a truly healthy life. This is where lifestyle apps come into play, offering innovative solutions to help us manage our daily routines, reduce stress, and improve our quality of life. These apps can be particularly useful in overcoming burnout, a common issue in our high-pressure society.


improve lifestyle

The Importance of Mental Health in the Digital Age

In our increasingly connected and stress-filled society, caring for our minds is more critical than ever. Key factors contributing to mental health include:

1. Regular and sufficient sleep

2. Timely completion of tasks

3. Allocating time for fun and entertainment

4. Maintaining social connections

5. Practicing mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques

While these may seem simple, consistently incorporating them into your routine can yield surprising results. Fortunately, we live in an age where technology, particularly in the form of mobile apps, can assist us in managing these aspects of our lives effectively.


Lifestyle apps have revolutionized the way we approach personal well-being. These powerful tools can help you:


- Schedule and manage daily tasks

- Reduce mental stress

- Improve time management

- Enhance overall quality of life

- Track health metrics

- Develop positive habits

- Stay motivated towards your goals

- Beat procrastination


By leveraging lifestyle apps, you can address one of your most significant mental concerns: scheduling and dealing with daily tasks. But that's just the beginning of what these apps can do for you.



 How Lifestyle Apps Are Changing Our Daily Routines


The advent of lifestyle apps has brought about a paradigm shift in how we approach our daily lives. These digital tools act as personal assistants, life coaches, and health monitors all rolled into one. Here's how they're making a difference:

1. Personalization: Lifestyle apps learn your habits and preferences, offering tailored suggestions and reminders for your morning and afternoon routines.

2. Accessibility: With smartphones always at hand, these mobile apps ensure that help and guidance are just a tap away.

3. Data-Driven Insights: By tracking various aspects of your life, these apps provide valuable insights into your habits and areas for improvement.

4. Motivation and Accountability: Many lifestyle apps incorporate gamification elements, turning self-improvement into an engaging and rewarding experience.

5. Integration: Modern lifestyle apps often integrate with other apps and smart devices, creating a comprehensive ecosystem for managing your life.


The Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle and How Apps Can Help


Quality sleep is foundational to good health. Adults typically need 7-12 hours of sleep daily, depending on individual needs. Lifestyle apps focused on sleep can help you:

- Track your sleep patterns and cycles

- Set consistent sleep and wake times

- Provide ambient sounds or guided meditations for better sleep

- Analyze sleep quality and offer improvement suggestions

- Gradually adjust your sleep schedule to optimize your circadian rhythm


Remember, early sleep hours are crucial for cell regeneration and collagen production, contributing to better overall health and appearance. Some apps even use smart alarms to wake you during lighter sleep phases, ensuring you feel more refreshed.


sleep in healthylifestyle



Our bodies are 60% water, making proper hydration essential for optimal functioning. Lifestyle apps dedicated to hydration can:

- Remind you to drink water regularly throughout the day

- Track your daily water intake

- Adjust hydration goals based on your activity level and local weather

- Provide educational content on the benefits of proper hydration

- Offer challenges and rewards to make hydration a fun habit


Don't wait until you're thirsty – consistent hydration is key to improved memory, concentration, and physical appearance. Some advanced apps even integrate with smart water bottles to automatically track your intake.









3.Task Planning and Time Management

Effective planning is crucial for achieving goals and reducing stress. Lifestyle apps excel in this area by helping you:

- Define and prioritize goals

- Break down large tasks into manageable steps

- Allocate time efficiently for various activities

- Set a timer for focused work sessions

- Set reminders and deadlines

- Visualize your progress with charts and graphs

- Collaborate with others on shared projects

- Integrate with calendar apps for a comprehensive view of your schedule

With the right lifestyle app, you can create a personalized plan that fits your unique life circumstances. Many of these apps use AI to suggest optimal times for tasks based on your productivity patterns, helping you beat procrastination.








4.Stress Management and Mental Well-being

Chronic stress can severely impact your health. Lifestyle apps offer various tools for stress management and mental well-being, including:

- Guided meditation sessions

- Breathing exercises

- Mood tracking and analysis

- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques

- Journaling prompts for self-reflection

- Relaxation sounds and music

- Connection to mental health professionals


By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can significantly improve your mental and physical well-being. Some apps even use biofeedback through your smartphone's sensors to provide real-time stress level data.



Read more: What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?


5.Physical Activity and Exercise


Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining good health. Lifestyle apps focused on fitness can:


- Provide workout plans tailored to your goals and fitness level

- Track your activity levels throughout the day

- Offer video tutorials for various exercises

- Connect you with virtual fitness classes

- Monitor heart rate and other vital signs during workouts

- Set and track fitness goals

- Integrate with wearable devices for more accurate data


Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, there's a lifestyle app that can help you stay active and motivated.


6.Nutrition and Diet

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of good health. Lifestyle apps centered on diet and nutrition can:


- Help you log meals and track calorie intake

- Provide nutritional information for various foods

- Offer meal planning suggestions based on your dietary preferences

- Track macronutrients and micronutrients

- Set and monitor weight loss or gain goals

- Provide recipes and cooking tips

- Scan barcodes for quick nutritional information


These apps make it easier to maintain a balanced diet and make informed food choices.


Best apps for lifestyle


Let's explore some of the best lifestyle apps that can help you achieve a healthier, more balanced life:


Free lifestyle app : REDA APP

Reda app is one of the newest planning applications, so don't be surprised if you are hearing its name for the first time, however, Reda has been able to attract many users in this short period. All people of any age can use Reda for daily planning and achieving long-term and short-term goals. Using Reda is very easy; all users can learn new features using the application.

By installing the Reda planning app, in addition to reducing stress, you will also minimize procrastination and get your work done on time.

Reda is an application designed for the professional planning of people and suitable for all those who want to improve their lifestyle and give themselves order and peace of mind. Reda reminds you of all the things you need to do during the day.


   - Features: Comprehensive planning, stress reduction, procrastination minimization

   - Best for: Overall life management and productivity

   - Unique selling point: Planning based on real 24 hours and different lifestyle of each person



reda app



Free lifestyle app : Trello

Trello was one of the first tasks and tasks management applications, which over time has become one of the most popular planning applications. One of the most important tasks of the Trello application is planning and managing a series of work assignments.

   - Features: Visual task management, team collaboration, customizable workflows

   - Best for: Project management and complex planning

   - Unique selling point: Highly versatile and scalable for both personal and professional use





Free lifestyle app : Todoist

The Todoist application is very similar to Trello in terms of use, that is why it has attracted many users, but in terms of appearance, there are many differences between these two applications.

You can manage your daily plans using the Todoist application. For this, just add and schedule your tasks so that Todoist will notify you of those tasks at the designated time. Then, according to the operating system used, download and install the version you need. In addition, you can use the web version of the Todoist software online. When using the Todoist application, you can discover its new features.


   - Features: Task management, project planning, goal tracking

   - Best for: Daily planning and to-do list management

   - Unique selling point: Clean interface and natural language input



todoist app



Free lifestyle app : Calendar

Google has made all of our lives easier, even in the field of planning, the calendar application can solve our simple planning needs. The user interface of the calendar is very simple and supports the Gregorian calendar. To use the calendar application, users can write down their daily plans and choose a specific time for the notification.

   - Features: Event scheduling, reminders, integration with other Google services

   - Best for: Basic planning and time management

   - Unique selling point: Seamless integration with Google ecosystem


google calender



Free lifestyle app : Any Do

One of the oldest planning applications is Any Do, which has two paid and free versions, and the paid version provides more special features to users. However, in its free version, there are also useful features such as repeating tasks, sharing lists, attaching files, etc.

   - Features: To-do lists, calendar, reminders, location-based tasks

   - Best for: Combining task management with calendar functions

   - Unique selling point: Smart suggestions for task planning


any do



Free lifestyle app : Forest

One of the most unique applications in the field of planning is the Forest application.

The concept of Application Forest is that if you stay focused while doing your tasks, your tree will grow, but if you lose your focus, your tree will not progress. And you can have a forest for yourself by doing your work with high concentration.

   - Features: Focus timer, virtual tree planting, real-world tree planting initiative

   - Best for: Improving concentration and reducing phone addiction

   - Unique selling point: Gamification of focus and environmental impact


forest app

Do you want an app to help you with your college and school assignments? We introduce the School Planner application to you. In this application, you can write down all the things, including your daily assignments and exams, so it will remind you at the desired time.

Also, with this application, you can accurately record the details of classes, teachers, and exams. Support for colored labels for easy marking is another feature of the School Planner application.

   - Features: Assignment tracking, exam scheduling, grade monitoring

   - Best for: Students managing academic life

   - Unique selling point: Tailored specifically for educational needs


school planner


Free lifestyle app : Pomodoro 

The Pomodoro app is a scheduling app that helps you make the most of your time. The user interface of this application is very simple and beautiful and attracts users. This application with its attractive user interface, in addition to the timekeeping feature, also provides users with the possibility of registering and managing the list of tasks and tracking the completion of each one.

You can use this application with full concentration and without any distractions, complete your tasks one after the other and at the scheduled time, and finally see a report on how things are progressing.


   - Features: Time management using Pomodoro technique, task tracking

   - Best for: Improving productivity and time management

   - Unique selling point: Scientifically-backed time management method.


Pomodoro  app



Free lifestyle app : Fabulous Daily Routine Planner 

Fabulous application is an application to maintain healthy habits and quit bad habits. The ultimate goal of the Fabulous application is to instill habits that help improve the lifestyle and health of an individual so that all daily activities are monitored so that good habits replace bad habits.

With this application, you can create plans and goals for maintaining your health without any restrictions, as well as treat your stress and anxiety by offering meditation classes.


   - Features: Habit formation, daily routines, health tracking

   - Best for: Building and maintaining healthy habits

   - Unique selling point: Science-based approach to behavior change


fabulous app



Free lifestyle app : TickTick

Another planning application that has been used by users is the TickTick application. The TickTick app helps you take control of your tasks and make the most of your time. With TickTick, you can write down your daily schedule and find out what is the priority on your to-do list, so you can organize your life.

If you are looking for a convenient, always available, and free tool to plan your daily tasks, don't miss the TickTick app.


    - Features: To-do lists, habit tracking, Pomodoro timer, calendar view

    - Best for: All-in-one task and time management

    - Unique selling point: Combines multiple productivity tools in one app


TickTick app


Free lifestyle app : Google Tasks

Google, as one of the largest companies in the world, has offered various services to its users for free. In 2018, this company launched a new service for users to manage tasks. Google Tasks is an application for managing all tasks for the Android operating system, developed by Google LLC and published for free on Google Play. This program is easily compatible and coordinated with Gmail and Google Calendar and displays the information in those programs to the user in the form of daily tasks.

Also, the web service of this program has been provided by Google so that you can access the list of tasks and manage them from any device. In this way, you will be able to divide your big projects into small parts and start doing each of them.

Google Task reminds you of your tasks at the appointed time. So it will be easy for you to do all of them.

    - Features: Simple task management, integration with Gmail and Google Calendar

    - Best for: Basic task tracking within Google ecosystem

    - Unique selling point: Seamless integration with other Google services


Read more: How can we overcome procrastination


Google Tasks



Free lifestyle app : Me+ Daily Routine Planner

The Me+ application is a self-improvement application that creates good habits in a person. Everyone needs to incorporate good daily habits and a healthy routine into their daily schedule. This application helps users to create good habits such as following a morning exercise program or personal discipline, and by constantly repeating these actions, it turns them into a habit and changes their lifestyle.

In general, if you are looking for a good habit tracker application, install the Me+ application and enjoy its features.

    - Features: Habit tracking, mood monitoring, goal setting

    - Best for: Personal development and self-improvement

    - Unique selling point: Focus on holistic self-improvement


Me+ Daily Routine Planner



Free lifestyle app : Memorigi

You can use the free Memorigi app for a task manager, calendar, reminder planner, organization, and any other project. With Memorigi, you can create calendars, planners, and reminders, as well as set your long-term and short-term goals.

If you are a student, you can use this management application for your homework. Memorigi app will help you to stop procrastination to achieve your goals.


    - Features: Task management, project planning, habit tracking

    - Best for: Comprehensive life organization

    - Unique selling point: Combines multiple organizational tools in one app


Memorigi_ To-Do List & Tasks



Free lifestyle app : Monday 

The Monday app is a powerful management tool designed to help teams stay organized and on track with projects. The Monday app is a cloud-based platform that allows users to easily manage tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members. And with features such as a strong and comprehensive user interface, it makes it easy for teams to be efficient.

The Monday app provides users with a set of features that make project management easier and allow users to quickly create tasks and assign them to team members. They can set due dates for tasks, add comments to activities, attach files, and view progress in real-time.


    - Features: Project management, team collaboration, workflow automation

    - Best for: Team-based task and project management

    - Unique selling point: Highly customizable for various team needs


monday app



Free lifestyle app : Microsoft To-Do

Microsoft To-Do, as the name suggests, is a product of Microsoft. This free and functional program is accessible through the Microsoft website, under Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems. All these features work with a Microsoft account. Microsoft To-Do is based on the cloud, so if you change your lists through the application, you can see the changes with Windows platforms, so they are synced together. Like other scheduling applications, in Microsoft To-Do you can also create your tasks and do your work at the right time and avoid delaying your work.


    - Features: Task management, list creation, reminders

    - Best for: Simple, straightforward task organization

    - Unique selling point: Cross-platform syncing and integration with Microsoft ecosystem



Microsoft To Do




Choosing the Right Lifestyle App for You


With so many options available, selecting the right lifestyle app can seem overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider:


1. Identify Your Needs: What areas of your life do you want to improve? Focus on apps that address those specific needs, such as habit tracking or procrastination apps.


2. User Interface: Choose an app with an interface you find intuitive and pleasant to use.


3. Integration: Consider how well the app integrates with other tools and services you already use, including social media platforms.


4. Customization: Look for apps that allow you to tailor the experience to your preferences, such as setting custom timers for different activities.


5. Cost: While many apps offer free versions, some features may require a subscription. Evaluate if the premium features are worth the cost for you.


6. Reviews and Ratings: Check user reviews to get a sense of the app's reliability and user satisfaction.


7. Data Privacy: Ensure the app has robust privacy policies, especially if you're inputting sensitive personal information.


8. Cross-Platform Availability: If you use multiple devices, choose an app that syncs across platforms.


Maximizing the Benefits of Lifestyle Apps


To get the most out of your chosen lifestyle apps:


1. Start Small: Begin with one or two apps and gradually incorporate more as you become comfortable.


2. Be Consistent: Regular use is key to seeing benefits. Make the app a part of your daily routine, from morning to afternoon and evening.


3. Customize to Your Needs: Take time to set up the app according to your specific goals and preferences.


4. Learn All Features: Many apps have hidden features that can be incredibly useful. Explore all the app has to offer, including tracking features and procrastination-busting tools.


5. Connect with Others: If the app has a community feature, engage with other users for motivation and tips.


6. Regular Reviews: Periodically review your progress and adjust your goals as needed.


7. Integrate with Other Tools: Look for ways to connect your lifestyle apps with other digital tools you use for a more seamless experience.


The Future of Lifestyle Apps


As technology continues to advance, we can expect lifestyle apps to become even more sophisticated and integrated into our daily lives. Some trends to watch for include:


1. AI and Machine Learning: More personalized recommendations and insights based on your behavior patterns.


2. IoT Integration: Greater connectivity with smart home devices and wearables for a more comprehensive life management experience.


3. Virtual and Augmented Reality: Immersive experiences for things like guided meditation or virtual workout sessions.


4. Blockchain for Data Security: Enhanced privacy and control over personal data.


5. Voice Integration: Improved voice command features for hands-free operation.


6. Mental Health Focus: More apps dedicated to emotional well-being and stress management.


7. Gamification: Increased use of game-like elements to make self-improvement more engaging and fun.


Conclusion: Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle with Apps


In today's digital age, mobile apps have become invaluable tools for maintaining a healthy, balanced life. By leveraging these powerful applications, you can take control of your daily routine, reduce stress, and focus on what truly matters. Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone looking to improve their lifestyle, there's a perfect app out there for you.

Remember, the key to success with lifestyle apps is not just finding the right tools, but using them consistently and mindfully. Start your journey towards a healthier, more organized life today by exploring these lifestyle apps. Embrace the power of technology to transform your life, one app at a time.

As you embark on this journey of self-improvement with lifestyle apps, keep in mind that true change comes from within. These apps are powerful tools, but the real magic happens when you commit to your goals and put in the effort to make lasting changes. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and don't be afraid to adjust your approach as you learn what works best for you.

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, lifestyle apps offer a way to regain control, find balance, and cultivate habits that lead to a happier, healthier you. From setting timers to beat procrastination to tracking your habits and managing your morning and afternoon routines, these apps provide the structure and support you need to succeed.


So why wait? Take the first step today, download a lifestyle app that resonates with your goals, and start building the life you've always dreamed of. Your future self will thank you for the positive changes you're setting in motion right now.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best daily planner app on Android and iOS?

In the article above, we mentioned a list of the best apps for planning, which we recommend you read to find the right daily planning software for you.

What is the best application for doing group projects and planning?

Redaapp is one of the most advanced applications that can give you countless possibilities for group planning and make your work easy.

What are the capabilities of the Redaapp application for planning?

This application has many features, the most important of which are things like grouping tasks, creating reminders, and the possibility of synchronizing with your other devices.

Writer : maryam.farzi
Category : Time Management
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nice blog